- 会员分享。现有会员可以通过购买邀请码分享的方式分享邀请码。邀请码价格100能量/个。
- 进入我们的tg群寻求邀请码 Telegram Group
- 进入我们的qq群寻求邀请码 Q群号:369655515
- 不使用邀请码也可以直接注册,但是需要答题通过才可以转为正式会员。
- 答题内容都在版规里边,只要认真阅读一下版规很容易通过,这样也助于更快的融入社区。
- 所有邀请码的有效期为3天,超时会自动失效。
如果以上方式您都无法使用,您可以发邮件到 james@nodeloc.com
Ways to Obtain an Invitation Code
- Member Sharing: Existing members can purchase and share invitation codes. Each code costs 100 energy.
- Join Our Telegram Group: You can request an invitation code in our Telegram Group. Telegram Group
- Join Our QQ Group: Request an invitation code in our QQ Group. Group Number: 369655515.
- Direct Registration Without an Invitation Code: You can register directly without an invitation code, but you must pass a quiz to become a full member.
- The quiz content is based on the forum rules. Carefully reading the rules will help you pass easily and integrate into the community faster.
- Validity of Invitation Codes: All invitation codes are valid for 3 days. Codes will automatically expire after this period.
If none of the above methods work for you, you can send an email to james@nodeloc.com
, explaining your purpose for applying for an account. We typically respond within a week.